Genres: Crime,
Category: Hindi-Dubbed,
Released: 12th June 2020
Duration: 0 mins
Produced In:
Hindi Dubbed
Directed By:
Mariya Gorban,
Liliya May,
Anatoly Kot,
Yuliya Pozhidaeva,
Polina Slepakova,
Darya Vershinina,
Stanislav Erdley,
Albert Bartosh,
Opasnyy Soblazn 2020,
Opasnyy Soblazn new movie,
Opasnyy Soblazn hindi dubbed,
2020 Movies Hollywood,
Hindi Dubbed Movies,
Hollywood Movies,
Urdu Dubbed Movies,

Opasnyy Soblazn Description:
Is life perfect? It happens. When the spouses have strong, stable relations, connected not only by marriage, but also by the joint business that Tatiana received from her father, and her husband Mark manages all the affairs of the late father-in-law construction company. But if you look into the keyhole and take a closer look, the ideal will suddenly seem imperfect, and a hint of hatred will appear in love and decency. What can break a strong family bond? Passion or deceit? Treason or thirst for vengeance? And if high feelings and low human passions mix up, intertwine and drag on with a strong knot, which can be unleashed only by death?